Saturday, July 11, 2009

NET Generation or NOT Necessarily So Generation

The class readings for the past 2 weeks have repeatedly stated how Generation Y or aka the Net Generation prefer non-sequential, self-directed learning, graphic-before-text readings, fast access to information, multi-tasking, frequent rewards and networking (Prensky, 2001). I can't argue with this because I've seen it in the High School Library where I teach.

However, are the students so different from the past generation because they have the tools of Web 2.0 and schools are allowing them to use those tools? When I was in high school, (1980's) I also liked to work collaboratively with peers, I would have liked immediate answers to questions, graphics prior to reading and I often multi-tasked. My parents could not understand how I could watch TV and effectively finish my homework. As I grew and continued with my education I had to re-vamp my learning style to fit what the school and teachers demanded. I learned how to write reports using research books, no pictures and I did it alone.

I'm not saying that we should not use web 2.0 tools for learning. I believe education is better for it. However, I also think teachers will have to teach students to work independently, how to do research if a computer is not available and patiently await the rewards of learning. The web can be helpful with some higher order thinking (evaluating websites) but this is not tactile learning. Some students are tactile learners and need to feel a book in their hands, feel a piece of machinery to understand how it works or feel the outline of letters to understand that an o is different from a u.

Yes, the Net Generation is different from he past generations but the question is: Is it because they were allowed to follow their natural inclinations due to technology and would past generations have maintained the same traits if they had the same tools?

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